
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Unification of Italy

Italian unification-
Italy was divided into several states mostly ruled by foreign rulers. In the conference of Vienna in 1815 Matternich had stated that Italy was not a nation but a geographical concept. However the various states of Italy shared a common culture and language. They were on the other side divided by geographic barriers like mountains and infrastructure constrains like absence of roads. The powers of europe had vested interests in keeping italy divided to balance the strength of nations.
The french revolt of 1930 and 49 had spread to other nations including Italy. During this period Guiseppe Mazzini tried to unify the italian states by popular revolt but it failed. He created a secret organisation called Young Italy for the cause of Italian unification.

 However with his failure people looked at other alternatives to achieve the goals. One of the best options available was to unify under the Monarch of Piedmont and Sardinia. It was the only state within Italy being ruled by an Italian king. It was a constitutional monarchy and also the most developed stated within Italy which made it the likely choice.

Following were the course of events that led to the unification-
1) Victor Immanual II, who acceded in 1849 was a pragmatic ruler who envisioned unification of Italy.
2) In 1852 he appointed Count Cavour as the Prime minister of Piedmost Sardinia. He was a seasoned politician and diplomat. He improved the infrastructure and economy of the nation and prepared the basis for the unification of Italy.

3) In the Crimean war in 1855 he sided with French and British against Russia. This was to gain favour of these powers.
4) In 1859 he entered into a secret pact with Napolen III of Franch, indicating french support incase of a war with Austria.
5) In 1860 initiated the war and with French support defeated the Austrian forces. This resulted in the annexation of Lombardi.
6) The same year through plebistice, the states of Parma, Modena and Tuscony joined Piedmont.
7) Red shirts led by Giribaldi overthrew the Borbon kings in the two sicilys and united them to piedmont.

8) Cavour insighted riots in the papal state and with excuse of controlling it, sent in forces which joined 2/3 of it to Piedmont.
9) In 1866 during the Austro-prussian war, it was rewarded with Venetia for its neutrality.
10) In 1870 during the prusso-french war, when french forces vacated Rome, Piedmontese army occupied it and through plebestice it was unified.

It was orchestrated by Count Cavour, who was a follower of Realpolitik. He had deep faith in constitutional monarchy and diplomacy. It used plebistice and diplomacy to unify Italy.

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