
Friday, May 2, 2014

British Rule : Time line from 1833 to 1858; Period of centralisation and acquisition of territory.

The period of Governor Generals saw centralisation of power by the British. It was the period in which Britain underwent Industrialisation and was far more dominant over Indian states. The period saw large number of ANNEXations and remarkably the introduction of Railways and telegraph. Finally and the most important occurrence of the period was the Indian Revolt of 1857, which changed things forever.
1)      Charter act of 1833. William Bentick made the Governor General of India (1833-35). Legislative powers of Madras and Bombay Presidency removed.
2)      ANNEXation of Coorg in 1834.
3)      Macaulay’s minutes and introduction of English as the medium of study.
4)      Auckland is the made the Governor (1835-42).
5)      First Afghan WAR(1836-42) due to Russo phobia. British defeat and recall of Auckland.
6)      Famine in North India (1837-38).
7)      New treaty with amirs of sind (1839).
8)      Death of Ranjit singh in 1839.
9)      Ellenborough is made the Governor (1842-44).
10)   Conquest of Sind in 1843. WAR with Gwalior. Suppression of slavery.
11)   Hardinge is made the Governor. (1844-48)
12)   First Sikh WAR(1845-46).
13)   Prohibition of female infanticide and suppression of human sacrifice.
14)   Dalhousie is made the Governor (1848-56).
15)   ANNEXation of Satara in 1848 under Doctrine of lapse.
16)   Second Sikh WAR. Defeat and ANNEXation of Punjab.(1848-49)
17)   Jaitpur and Sambalpur ANNEXed in 1849 under Doctrine of lapse.
18)   Second Burmese WAR (1852) and ANNEXation of Pegu.
19)   Charter act of 1853 made civil services open to competition.
20)   Introduction of Railways and Telegraph in 1853.
21)   Nagpur and Jhansi ANNEXed in 1854 under Doctrine of lapse.
22)   Tanjor and Arcot ANNEXed in 1855 under Doctrine of lapse.
23)   Santhal uprising in 1855-56.
24)   Hindu widow re-marriage act 1856.
25)   Udaipur and Awadh ANNEXed in 1856. The ANNEXation under the policy quarter of total.
26)   Canning made the Governor (1856-57).
27)   Revolt of 1857.

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